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position: EnglishChannel > Experts in China
  • Sci-tech Collaboration, A Ladder to Solutions

    "A good sci-tech collaboration can be a ladder to solutions for common challenges facing humanity," Finnish scientist Peter Lund said in a recent interview with Science and Technology Daily.

  • Observation on Xishuangbanna's Biodiversity

    Kyle Warwick Tomlinson, principal investigator of the Community Ecology and Conservation Group at the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) in Yunnan province, mainly studies the impact of savannah and forest fragmentation in the province in southwest China. His work has significantly deepened people's understanding of the diversity of Yunnan's savannahs and helped to assess the vegetation types in China's tropical regions.

  • Atlantic Salmon in Ningbo: A Taste of Sustainability

    According to legend, over 2,500 years ago, Fan Li, known as the Sage of Commerce, wrote the world's first book on aquaculture, "Treatise on Fish Farming," in what is today Zhejiang province in east China, laying a solid foundation for modern aquaculture.

  • How China Built Impressive Higher Education Environment

    In parallel with economic growth, higher education is playing a vital role in China, driving the progress of science, technology, innovation, and social development by nurturing talents. They will contribute to real-world applications of new technology in different sectors and thus to society as well.

  • Amigos Across Cultures

    Tianjin is known as the hometown of northern traditional Chinese opera, and the cradle of crosstalk, a comic and witty dialogue generally between two performers. Hence there is a saying that "Every Tianjin resident is a master of crosstalk."

  • Great Deeds of Bio-conservations in Insect World

    Akihiro Nakamura loves to climb trees, because he says magical creatures of the insect world only live on the highest branches. A researcher at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Nakamura focuses on insect ecology, community ecology and conservation ecology.

  • China Int'l Service Platform to Provide Better Experience

    The "China International Service Platform" (www.chinajob.com), a comprehensive upgrade of services for foreign talents nationwide, is launched by the Foreign Talent Research Center of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on June 3. The platform aims to make it more convenient and comfortable for foreign talents to live and work in China and help them integrate into Chinese society by providing comprehensive information services online and offline.

  • Understanding China Through Its Culture

    In February 2013, Brazilian international law professor Evandro Menezes de Carvalho was one of the 10 foreign scholars selected for a joint cultural project between China and the Organization of American States. It was his first time visiting China and he had no idea how much the trip would profoundly shape the course of his life. Since then, "See China with your own eyes" has become his default advice to foreign friends.

  • Conservation with Elephants in Yunnan

    As we think about development, the only way we can develop in a sustainable way is by keeping the ecology in mind. Thanks to green development policies, we will be able to protect more habitats and achieve the dual objective of having more development and more conservation, elephant expert Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz told Science and Technology Daily in a recent interview.

  • Latin Expert Serves as Chinese Cultural Messenger

    During his 15 years in China, Italian sinologist Michele Ferrero has been steadfast in promoting scholarly research on cultural exchanges between China and the West. Through reams of translation, he has made great contributions to education and mutual understanding between China and Western countries, along with broadening knowledge of Latin and Western Classics, which he has been teaching at Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) since 2009.

  • Preserving Biodiversity,a Moral Code

    "Be part of the Plan" is the theme for this year's International Day for Biological Diversity.Science and Technology Daily (S&T Daily) reporters visited the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Yunnan province in southwestern China, where they witnessed the joint efforts of scientists from China and abroad to preserve biodiversity.

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  • According to the third national survey of cultural relics, over 760,000 immovable cultural relics were examined and registered. The protection of these relics presents a significant challenge due to their historical span, diverse materials, and complex preservation environments.Faced with these challenges, what measures are needed to combat the erosion of time at some of these historic sites?

SCO Sees Remarkable Achievements

The 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) took place in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, on July 3 and 4. Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the meeting and discussed the future of the organization and ways to advance cooperation so as to achieve new and greater progress for this important multilateral mechanism.

2024 Summer Davos: Embracing Innovation, Driving Future Growth

Running from June 25 to 27 and themed "Next Frontiers for Growth," the 2024 Summer Davos gathered more than 1,700 representatives.

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